Draftomat now enables colaboration on documents!
Organizations that adopt Draftomat have the possibility to draft legal documents by providing guided responses to a set of automated questions. The answers determine the document structure and contents. The software can reduce the document production time tenfold, and it minimizes the risk of making errors.
Draftomat’s new feature called document share , allows user to co-create documents with colleagues or clients. The user can invite a selected group of people inside or outside his organization to access the document and provide missing inputs by answering the remaining questions from the questionnaire. This feature allows an orderly and structured collaboration on the drafting process.
We will illustrate how document share in Draftomat can benefit Draftomat customer on the the example of a commercial contract. Assuming the legal associate from the legal department of the Draftomat customer prepares the first draft, he will first have circulated it within the organization’s legal department for edits and approval and then to the commercial people for their inputs. Each reviewer can specifically mark the outstanding questions to the colleague who is subsequent in the internal editing and approval process. Once the internal revision is over, the draft contract can be shared with the counterparty by inviting it to review and comment on the document. Users can track down all edits and identify the author. The process ends once everyone has given their approval to the final version of the document. At that point, the document can be downloaded and executed.
With the document share feature, the benefits of automation are accessible even to individuals who are not registered Draftomat users. Organizations that license-in Draftomat can share their documents externally with partners and clients and thus increase their efficiencies and stand out as innovators in business and legal operations.